Go Green and Start Recycling Plastic

We take pride in providing waste collection, disposal and recycling services. Optimize your waste management needs with us and save thousands of riyals. 

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People, companies, businesses, and producers of all types of goods consume large amounts of plastic daily, making it one of the most important sources in food production, medications, cosmetics, tools, and many others. The worldwide consumption of plastic increases rapidly, which poses serious environmental concerns and fears. This’s why recycling plastic is essential; the world will become a safer healthier place for humans and living creatures when plastic is handled carefully and swiftly without hesitation or lack of knowledge. Read on about plastic recycling and everything related to it from the steps that must be taken when recycling takes place to creating a sustainable lifestyle by recycling plastics.

Plastic Recycling

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Plastic recycling is very important to maintain a healthy environment

You might be wondering what is plastic recycling exactly, well, it is processing waste plastic in a way that repurposes it into usable products. Sometimes recycled plastic changes in form, texture, and use from its original state while in other procedures of recycling the processed plastic preserves its original use and form.

Reprocessing plastic is the key to solving modern environmental issues, as it reduces the amount of produced plastic materials, and preserves natural resources for longer periods.

Stages of recycling plastic

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Plastic waste must be handled carefully by professionals

Even though recycling plastic starts the minute you throw away your plastic bottles into the trash or plastic recycling bins, the steps of recycling plastic are much more complicated than that.

Here are the steps for recycling plastic successfully:

Step 1 – Collecting

The first step in recycling plastic is collecting and transporting it to the places of recycling.

Step 2 – Sorting

Usually, plastic products are mixed up with other types of waste, and here is where the second step comes in; sorting plastic waste and separating it from metals, papers, food waste, and others like e-waste.

Step 3 – Shredding or Melting

In the third step of recycling plastic, professionals shred it into small pieces or melt it using high temperatures to reshape it.  

Step 4 – Cleaning

After shredding and melting plastic, it’s then directed into cleaning and washing.

Steps 5 – Reprocessing

Finally, recycling ends with the reprocessing of the original material into new plastic materials. Simply put, the final stage is creating new products from recycled ones.

Which plastic can be recycled?

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Kids must be involved in plastic recycling activities from kindergarten

Luckily, most of the plastics we use daily are recyclable, meaning that there’s no excuse for recycling plastic now. Whether you prefer following traditional methods for recycling plastic or even advanced methods, we encourage you to learn more about the types of plastic that can be recycled.

Here are the most common types of recyclable plastic in Qatar and all over the world:

  • PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate)
  • PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride)
  • HDPE (High-Density Poly Ethylene)
  • LPDE (Low-Density Poly Ethylene)
  • PS
  • PP

 Benefits of recycling plastic

As global requests for finding sustainable solutions to protect the environment are increasing, and the percentages of solid waste, specifically plastic waste, reached an all-time high recycling different types of plastic became a necessity.

When you involve your business in the stage of recycling plastic, you will contribute to creating and maintaining a healthier environment for all. Therefore, check out the benefits of recycling on the community and environment:

  • Minimizing pollution on all levels
  • Preserving natural resources for the future generation
  • Consuming less energy
  • Supporting environmental sustainability
  • Reducing the negative impact of greenhouse gas emissions
  • Reducing the negative impact of global warming
  • Benefitting financially by selling and buying recyclable products
  • Reducing the global demand for raw materials
  • Preserving the natural habitats of animals in forests and the wilderness
  • Minimizing landfill use
  • Reducing CO2 gasses and emissions
  • Contributing to healthier and safer ecosystems
  • Creating new jobs for people in the recycling industry
  • Manufacturing and creating new products from recycled plastic, such as water bottles, cosmetics packaging, trash bags, carpets, reusable bags for carrying groceries,

Ideas to reuse your plastic bottles

There are a ton of ideas that you can perform regularly or try for the first time to recycle the plastic bottles you consume every day. Make this an enjoyable activity by gathering your family members, friends, or coworkers in recycling plastic bottles and reusing them in beneficial ways.

Think of recycling plastic at home this way… You decided to start recycling plastic bottles and the best way to do so is by reusing them in new ways; here are some creative ways to recycle plastic bottles at home:

  • Bird feeders or plates for feeding pets and animals
  • A bag seal using plastic bottle tops
  • Money collector or piggy bank for kids
  • A container for watering plants
  • Baskets for home or office decoration
  • Creating a hanging bottle garden
  • A container for storing food and liquids
  • Creating toys or games for home pets
  • A string of colored bottles
  • Using plastic bottles for bowling
  • A vase for roses and flowers
  • Pencils pots
  • Using old bottles for carrying snacks
  • Sprinklers from plastic bottles

Plastic Recycling Bins in Qatar

Qatar MCC offers various plastic garbage bins for businesses and companies in Qatar and here are some plastic garbage bins for sale in Qatar in various sizes:

These recycling bins are a great addition to your office, home, or interior space!


How does recycling plastic help the environment?

The environment benefits hugely from recycling plastic and many examples prove this, such as reducing greenhouse gas effects, minimizing the impacts of global warming on the world, saving animals from extinction by securing their habitats, reducing the need for consuming natural resources from the environment, such as extracting minerals and valuable components, in addition to various others advantages. 

How businesses can reduce plastic waste?

To help your business implement recycling strategies, you can start using reusable coffee cups instead of disposable ones, and the rule applies to all kitchen utensils, such as forks, spoons, plates, and glasses. Also, encourage the use of water bottles instead of disposable plastic bottles; this way you won’t even have to recycle as you won’t be consuming lots of plastic.

Follow more useful articles on the MCC blog and don’t hesitate to reach out to us for any waste management services by MCC in Qatar as we’re always ready to provide you with the best waste management services in the country.

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